Sunday 22 September 2013

Cranes, Pain and Caspian Gull- The Week that Was

 Adult Caspian Gull
 Chiffchaff- about 30+ about
 Lapwings- small groups on 100 acre, Southern Lake and South-east Corner
 Pink-barred Sallow
Evening Primroses- loads of these come up in Biker's Field
My sister called me on Thursday saying that one of her challenging students had struck her on the head and she wasn't feeling well so I went to her work to pick her up and then continued on my journey to Ikea (to get my other sister some coat hooks). With that Roger called to say he had two Common Cranes circling the farmlands and were heading east. The unfortunate incident at my sisters work and the coat hook chore had meant that at the precise moment I was heading down Beddington Lane so pulled into the Asda Car Park and with that the two Cranes circled over. Thank you challenging student!
Rest of the week I have been catching up with work and sneaking over the patch for some high season birding- quite a few bits on the move, today 150+ Swallow, 45 Mipits, 1 Whinchat yesterday, Caspian Gull in the week and a Grasshopper Warbler on the mound today.
Few autumn moths in the evening including Black Rustics, lots of Pale Mottled Willows and a Pink-barred Sallow by the hide yesterday.

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